1·Yet the former general with a PhD in agricultural economics appears to be anything but worried.
2·They were accustomed to the agricultural economics so that they can acquire more sovereignty.
3·The course focus on the theory and methods of Agricultural economics combined with the current situation of China's agricultural issues.
4·That Mr Yudhoyono made a show of completing a doctorate in agricultural economics during his 2004 election campaign only increases his potential for embarrassment.
5·Research specialization: Fishery economics and management, Rural environmental and resource economics, Agricultural economics, Agricultural industrial organization.
6·Enjiang earned a PhD in agricultural economics from the University of Melbourne and a bachelor's degree in the same field from China's Nanjing Agricultural University.
7·Courses may include human nutrition, agricultural economics, biotechnology, plant and animal genetics, plant pathology, molecular biology, and a variety of other disciplines.
8·He received a master of science in agricultural economics from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho, and a bachelor's degree in food science from China Agricultural University in Beijing, China.
9·A healthy switch from pork to chicken would actually cut demand for agricultural commodities, notes Capital Economics, a consultancy.
10·The technological advances theory of development economics provide for all kinds of model choice for reference for China's agricultural technology advance.